I, Me and Myself...

Recently, i went to Kinokuniya, a lady came to me and said " I rasa I kenal you...awak nampak familiar lah..!". I looked at her- charming, slim, younger than me .
" sorry ..tapi saya tak kenal awak." ,I said, with a fake smile ,didnt want to sound rude.
" tapi saya kenal awak... awak Aza kan. Awak belajar kat UTM, student computer-maths kan?"
huh! she really knows me??
" ya ...but ..err..tapi saya ingat siapa sorry...awak ni siapa" I asked her, in a nice way-i think-
this time she didnt say anything but stared at me..her face blushing.
"saya kenal awak sebab awak top student tapi betul la apa orang cakap pasal awak ni..SOMBONG, BERLAGAK!??"
" Since you know that i'm that type of person, why bother asking!!??" I walked off without looking back at her.
So what?? I 'sombong, berlagak'??
You dont know me, dear! Not the first time I heard people said that to me. Only my closest friends really know me but sometimes they think I'm "unpredictable".
Those who are close to me they know that I :-

1. dont talk to strangers- i listen to my mom!

2. dont response to anyone if occupied with something-but people thought I "emo-ing"-hate that!

3. sometimes I care but most of the time I DONT!

4.TREAT people as how they want to be treated-but one of my friends asked " why i like to THREAT people!" really??? ..sometimes la ..ha ha ha

5. dont like guys think that I like/love them!That wont happen! ( err except a bit for "dia" and less and less and..LESS!)
But sometime i did say " I luv u "but "meaningless or joking"..."hey AZA dont play with that three miracle words ", my friends warned me once..twice..thrice...many times... i guess that you guys also know that i dont mean it
So if you guys just ignore it when say ILU that to you.

6. dont like hypocrite, two-faces, backstabbing!!!

7. dont like people commenting on what i'm wearing especially comment from guys (guys like this are so MAKCIK!!)
"aza, you nampak cantik pakai baju macam ni !" What if i take off my baju ,ugly??I'm damn sexy but you are Damn annoying, bro!

8. actually dont really like people 'praise' me like that lady said ' i'm 'top student!' Hey, you can be one of them if you workhard! Praise only to God

9. try my best not to hurt people but ended "killing them softly"


so that the first top ten of the dark side of me ...

Actually, perkara ini berlaku banyak kali. People approached me and " aahh I know you!"
If my friends around ,they will say " memang la Aza ni siapa yang tak kenal dia..popular!"
and that's the biggest joke, my friend!

Top ten of the "orange" side of me?? wont tell because know me is to love me ..ha ha..joking!! huh joke again!!
