Seeing is believing!
I still on bed , tired after coming back from Club Med Cherating when i got phone call from my brother , Along Zali ,telling me that his daughter is in hospital.fainted. unconcious! God, please not again . we just lost our brother couple of months ago. My brother actually was on the way to Kelantan to visit his father-in law so he asked me to go to hospital first. Reached hospital , emergency ward but all that the doctor said was " oh, she just got hyperventillation. nothing serious . can take her home. dont worry..take care" thank God. But I noticed that my niece , Lulu, looked so weak. took her home. my brother reached KL that night and noticed something wrong with Lulu.So we decided to go back to our hometown.

" eh this car like so heavy...cant speed! " Along said.
I looked at the speedometer, " 90 km/h only? cant go faster? "
something weird. It's REXTON! normally he drives like more than 130 km/h !
" something wrong. recite some quran versus " Along requested.
after a while, the car could speed!...yes something wrong somewhere...something following us!
Lulu looked very weak but started saying something which hardly can be heard. Her eyes - bigger than usual like looking for something. then she started like screaming . her voice was different-not her voice. We tried to hold her and continued to recite quran.

Along decided to take her to see our uncle who is -not bomoh- but know how to 'cure' this kind of disease/penyakit /histeria caused by evil spirit.
My uncle started to do his ' practice' - reciting some quran versus- when Lulu started screaming . She became stronger and sound like a man! " AKU NAK KELUAR!", 'he' said this many times. I knew 'someting'-that evil spirit- in her body!" AKU NAK ILA!"
Ila? who is Ila? after almost an hour struggling with 'Lulu' ..she concious but really weak.
then my uncle put an egg to her hand and recite something. Then he took the egg , broke it , and we SAW a face on the yolk -scary face- and Lulu said " I saw it on the way back to my hostel!"

few minutes later, Wafi, Lulu's younger brother barged in, frightened " wafi nampak hantu atas bumbung rumah tadi tapi dah hilang! "

Ya Allah! I only believe in You! Please protect us from this evil spirit!
